Contact Us

  • Getting in contact with us is easy!

    To enquire further, or to make an appointment with Alexandra:

    Email: alexandra [at] phoenixplace [dot] com [dot] au

    Phone: 0413 235 672


    Kathy is not currently seeing clients.

    If you are a former client of Kathy’s and want to check in with her, you can use the same contact details you used previously.

    Or email her at: kathy [at] phoenixplace [dot] com [dot] au


    You can also check out our Facebook page where we post helpful articles and links on various topics relating to parenting, mental and emotional health, and wellbeing.

    Our office is located at:

    2 Bradman Rd
    NSW 2234

    (we’re the glass sliding doors on the right as you walk up the driveway!)

    Phoenix Place is very close to Old Illawarra Road, which is serviced by regular buses.

    Or, if you want, you could also use the form below to get in touch:

    We look forward to hearing from you!